St. Peter’s student fulfills visual wish with eSight glasses

News, Wishes

Remington Hedrick, a second grader at St. Peter’s Elementary School, can see her classmates’ faces for the first time thanks to a new pair of eSight glasses. That wish can now come true for Remington, who was presented with a brand-new pair of eSight glasses on Thursday, totally by surprise. The glasses were made possible through a fundraising effort led by The Visual Bucket List Foundation . Buy Now Brittany Schock Less than two months ago, Steven and Christine Myers of the Visual Bucket List Foundation announced they would begin the effort to purchase a pair of eSight glasses for Remington. Remington’s parents, Amber and Shane Hedrick, told Richland Source in August that Remington has trouble seeing things at a distance, has little to no depth perception, and has significant color deficiencies.

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